TelnetD at SF


Provides classes and interfaces for terminal specific input and output.


Interface Summary
Terminal On top of the telnet protocol communication layer there is a layer for terminal communication.

Class Summary
ansi Implements ansi terminal support, which is defined as vt100 with graphics rendition capabilities within this library.
BasicTerminal A basic terminal implementation with the focus on vt100 related sequences.
ColorHelper Utility class that provides methods and constants for creating and handling colored/styled Strings.
Colorizer Singleton utility class for translating internal color/style markup into ANSI defined escape sequences.
TerminalManager Class that manages all available terminal implementations.
vt100 Implements VT 100 terminal support, as original, without graphics rendition capabilities.
Windoof Implements a special variant which is common on windows plattforms (i.e. the telnet application thats coming with all of those OSes).
xterm This class implements the xterm terminal emulation.

Package Description

Provides classes and interfaces for terminal specific input and output.

Related Documentation

For more documentation, please visit:

TelnetD at SF

Copyright © 2000-2005 Dieter Wimberger.